Friday, September 28, 2012

Accepted Sony vegas's crash

I'm okay with losing half of the episode now. This means I can balance the audio more of that part and I realized it shouldn't take that long as I have an example to follow exactly, so it's only recreating.

I do have a horrible cold now though, that kept me away from my laptop. It's still not over (I actually feel sicker than before) so I can not work on the Stranger just yet. I think somewhere next week! =)

Stay tuned. I could upload a preview so there is already something to see. Should I? Yes, no? =P
Maybe the first minute or so. =D

Edit: Uploading a preview from the first 90 seconds really soon. I only notcied that sony vegas starts crashing again while I'm in a new document and only have 8 files opened. I think the corrupted rendered thing is clashing with sony vegas or one of my voice actor's files is not working properly o.o Guess I'll change the format in audacity in order to prevent it

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