Thursday, January 24, 2013

No time =(

Decided to delay the album project. I still have lots of theory to read and only a week to finish a full album.
My teacher wants to see all results on saturday already, so this project will be postponed till September.
Next to that I still have to work on the Stranger and DMC but because Canada is coming so close I simply focus a lot more on that than all my projects.(mixing, singing ,voice acting)
 Kind of on an automatic pilot. I do my stuff, but don;t pour in the energy I normally use.

Well, I do hope to get the next script out for the Stranger in February, but can't say for certain.
DMC's last episode will be up before February.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New project - album

What? New Project?
Why yes!  I'm working on another project for school only. This won't be an audioplay (Might turn into one later) but will have to do with composing. As I need expert points for design I have decided on creating a movie soundtrack album with approximately 12 songs.
 At the moment I'm in the middle of writing a story (and will upload it when it's done! )Then I will start composing a theme song, songs for the scenes as well as a song with lyrics and of course a credits song which will be based upon the lyrics song. The catch is, I have less than 3 weeks to finish this as I could never start writing the story (writer's block) and I have my other school project next to it, but that one is finished next week =D (will be updated here as well)

So in these three weeks I'll:
* Write the story
* Read music theory and other composing related books
* Create a song with lyrics (think of Far over the misty mountain cold from the Hobbit or Gone from snowwhite and the huntsman)
* Create a longer version of that song with more singers (tribe? =D Will do some casting if this happens)
* Analyze the scenes and compose soundtracks that are theoritical correct.

Oh I hope this works out well. The music will be like: Pearl Harbor, Resistance 2 and Battle: Los angeles and later on will have influences from Avatar (in the last three songs or so)

Hope I have my story done tomorrow so I can start reading and composing. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Stranger will change

I'm stuck at the script of episode 5. I'm not digging my story anymore as it's not as strong as the start.
Things randomly happen and it doesn't connect with the new ending I had in mind. Also my teacher raised questions at the end of my story.

Moments will stay the same, only Deon's motives will change and so the story will be rewritten starting from episode 5.

Episode 4 is halfway done! And I'm very happy with how it turned out so far.
The end shouldn't take so long to mix, only still have to compose a song probably and record some sound effects.